..::::[PsYcholoGY]:::..and LOts Of crAPX
Thursday, May 25, 2006
  Highly-strung People = Kiasu??
Reading Ps Ben's post: 'Highly-Strung Anybody?', got me thinking. In this world are we all not continually tensed about things? We want to dominate in certain situations, we get overwhelmed by things, we are too emotional and can be over-sensitive. We are constantly irritable and can jump at people.Well this is a defination: Adj. 1. Being in a tense state, edgy, in suspense, jittery, jumpy, nervy, over-strung, restive, uptight, tense, in or of a state of physical or nervous tension.In Singapore itself, you can get a lot of these people. And maybe you yourself am one. just maybe give you an example. You get irritated by people who are walking too slowly in front of you, etc. In Singapore, the word 'Highly-strung' can actally be replaced by another Singaporean word 'Kiasu", which means afraid to lose.'Kiasu'ness in Singapore is typically everywhere. People rush to be the first, but would only get irritated if others were there before them. Students are always trying to dominate the top positions in school, and are always in a jumpy state when it comes to exams. Singaporeans are always constantly on the move. They are movin along too fast. But is it really their fault for behaving in such a way?Being highly-strung or kiasu is a norm in every Singaporean lives. And why is that so? It's because we are living in such a fast-paced society that people would only rush for theie own sake and not stop and spare a thought for others. As time goes by, the society keeps changing. With that, it will also bring abut a change in people. It changes everyone to actually be more self-centered.Nowadays, we see more and more people only thnking about themselves and not giving a shit to others. They strive to be the best but whenever they face an obstacle, would always crack under pressure. The society now demands only the best. The best and nothing else. And because of that, people all start to chase for all things 'good'. If they had some time to stop and think, they should ask themselves: "Are what I am chasing after any good?"When you go all out to chase your needs, you are really just chasing after worldly needs and material possessions. But is it all worth it? Because when you focus mainly on worldly needs, you are actually growing further away from God. You forget God, and eventually what will happen to your spiritual life?It's not that I am against those who go after only worldly needs. Come on, I myself have done that. And who hasn't? But what I am trying to say is that this continual rush in life is just not going to get us anywhere. What people need to do is to actually slow down and take a step back and actually also work on your relationship with God. You might be saying, "but i pray everyday". Well, let me tell you this. Prayer is one hing. But devotion and seeking God is another. To really make your relationship with God closer, you actually need to devote your lives to God and actually seek Him.The continual fast-paced life isn't going to make you any better. It will just turn you into a more self-centered person, whose only aim is to have the best for himself. It is true that competition is really all around. But you tell me. Would you like to live in a society full of self-centered high-strung/kiasu people?I believe many don't. But do you actually realise that you might also be one of those breed of people? If you don't then thats my point. You are living in a very, very fast-paced society, working your butts off for worldly needs. You do not take time off to thik about your REAL character.Think about it. If more and more people get high-strung, wouldn't this world be a ugly place to live in because people only think of themselves? An ugly world is the very last thing that everyone and especally God wants in the wishlist.
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