..::::[PsYcholoGY]:::..and LOts Of crAPX
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Just what is life? What is the true meaning of life? What is the purpose of life?

These are the questions that you continually ask yourself? Well, no worries, you are not the only ones. Even I myself also ask myself those questions. Hahaz. Many would associate life with problems. But in a sense don't you think that it IS correct? Hahaz. Actually it is quite true. Imagine you just lead a peaceful life - peaceful as in no problems. Isn't that like boring? What is the meaning of life at that like that then.

Problems are what make our lives more colourful and interesting. Don't you think so? You see, it is through problems that we gain maturity, we grow wiser and definitely a stronger, tougher person. Problems would definitely shape you to be a better person. A person who would most dfinitely survive in the tough world.

Many view problems as a set back. And actually continue dwelling on it. But by doing so, they are actually making themselves feel more miserable. In a sense, they are making a mountain out of a mole hill. Seriously. With many also succumbing to problems, it would lead to many foolish things. Some abuse themselves, whilst some might attempt suicide. This is the eventual result of those who keep dwelling about their problems.

This is not what problems are meant to do to you. Problems are not suppose to pull people down into the abyss of foolishness, problems are supposed to push you and shape and make you a better person. It will give you a stronger personality and actually prepare you to be able to face more problems of tomorrow. Oh yes. Problems are part and parcel of life and would definitely knock on your door everyday.

But you need not fret or even worry or be scared about its coming. There really isn't a need to. Just face problems with a positive mindset. Do not constantly dwell on your problems. There isn't a need to. Actually every problem is very small. However, human would blow up the problems and make it seem very big. There isn't a need to. Its a matter of how you really view your problems. But just be sure that after you have gotten over it, you would definitely come out a better person.

You see, there really isn't a need for suicide or even abusing yourself should you face a "major" problem. Just take a step back and review your problems. And you would be so surprised to see how tiny your problem was and that it was through constant dwelling and worrying that actually made the problem seem big.
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