..::::[PsYcholoGY]:::..and LOts Of crAPX
Friday, May 26, 2006
Teens, in a way, are the most hard to satisfy group of people. Being a teen myself, I do know what many are actually looking for. Some, do not even know what they really are doing and why they are doing so.

We see day to day, our youths slowly leading astray. We quickly point the blame to the society and the mass media. But have you ever wondered the true reason as to why teens go astray (joining gangs, smoking, drug abuse etc.)?

The answer is very, very simple. But yet, all people do is say and not actually execute it. Even parents don't realise this. Why? Because they are too busy with their work. This is always the main reason given.

Teens go astray is simply because they crave the attention and the affection of parents. What they are seeking from their parents is this simple thing called 'LOVE'.

Love and affection is free. But yet, parents do not shower enough on their teenage kids. Teens are not praised for their achevements but always scolded for even the very minor things. Their talents are not properly recognised by parents, but always criticised for their flaws. In fact, most parents would give the reason saying that they are too busy with their work.

Parents would always say that they work to find money for the best of their teens. But do they actually realise that what teens crave ore is love. By continually going after material needs, they neglect the emotional need of their teens. This would lead the teens to find this sort of craving for love and affection from other channels. And sometimes, to grab the attention of their parents, they would really be lead astray.

So, if parents were to find out that their teen kids are involved in some 'bad' things, do they have the rights to actually reprimand their kids?

Actually, no. If parents were to reprimand their kids, then they should reprimand themselves too. They put the total fault on their teens. But are they aware that they are at fault too?

They really should take a step back and look at the whole situation from the teens point of view as to how they have 'suffered' in silence all these while, deprived of love, affection and attention of their parents. Parents should also realise that being absolutely strict to their teens also result in this need of attention. Being too strict to their teens would only make them turn into a rebel, who wants to go against their parents. And when this happens, the parents also have no rights to reprimand them.

So to all parents, do take a step back to think as to how you are managing your teens. Are you showing them enough love and affection? Or are you being overly strict with them?

Remember. Teens are also human. They seek this most desired thing - parental love. Love acually is the greatest thing. Do think about it. I will leave you with a quote from the Bible.

"But these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is Love"
- 1 Corinthians 13:13
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